What Is Remote Collaboration & How to Make It Work for You


Slack is one of the most popular communication tools that exists, and it does a tremendous job connecting teams both professionally and informally. By creating a connected communication space, Slack enables teams to collaborate regularly, share information on the fly, and store documentation for reference and use later. Slack also creates grouped channels so teams can communicate in one shared place rather than relying on tedious email chains. Replacing endless funnels of inefficient communication, Slack is one of the most important remote collaboration tools for any online team.

  • Facilitating more asynchronous communication allows for remote workers to work more independently and with less distraction, which ultimately can lead to better collaboration.
  • You can video calls and meetings in separate rooms, with as many participants as you wish.
  • We have researched and finally figured out some of the significant reasons why effective remote collaboration is very much crucial for your organization.
  • There are many things that you can plan in order to have a good time with your team, it’s a matter of finding creative ways to get engaged with everyone.
  • For example, you can hook up Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Webex to communicate from a single location.
  • Especially when it comes to smaller teams, the more voices heard and opinions in the mix will only serve to strengthen the final output.
  • This article covers the 5 essential factors you need to consider before making your purchase.

Effective collaboration allows remote teams to communicate effortlessly and, ultimately, increase productivity through streamlined outcomes. Without taking steps to improve remote collaboration, your virtual team could be at risk of a lack of visibility, unclear objectives, and poor planning. It can help you set up virtual workspaces for team communication, collaboration, and streamlining business processes. These tools enable users to work collaboratively and stay productive, regardless of the location. Using these software applications, participants can work on any projects from anywhere.

practical tips to build rapport with your team members

Sure, some of these apps on their own are outclassed by competitors, but the real power of Google Workspace is that it is an entire integrated suite of tools in a relatively low-cost package. It’s also 100% cloud-based — you don’t even need to install Google Workspace apps natively as they’re all accessed from the browser. Learning to embrace asynchronous communication removes the self-imposed requirement for immediacy when collaborating remotely. Facilitating more asynchronous communication allows for remote workers to work more independently and with less distraction, which ultimately can lead to better collaboration. Remote collaboration refers to the process by which team members can work together effectively across time zones. Through remote collaboration, geographic location is removed as a deterrent to teamwork.

Then, using the data obtained by tracking employee performance, discuss past targets, current limitations, and future goals, leaving space for your employee to voice any concerns. They can also help managers understand performance gaps, uncover roadblocks, streamline processes, identify training needs, and even get a picture of what new hires they need to make. In short, performance reviews are critical to give leaders visibility of where their operations are at. From using them to celebrate even the smallest wins to getting creative with team-building rituals, there are endless ways businesses can use collaborative software to their advantage.

Utilize remote collaboration tools

For instance, when communicating digitally, don’t assume that others understand your cues and shorthand. Consider creating team acronyms for digital communications like “Four Hour Response (4HR)” and “No Need to Respond (NNTR)” that https://remotemode.net/ bring predictability and certainty to virtual conversations. And remember to create space for celebrations and socializing with remote teams, which can strengthen relationships and lay the foundation for future collaboration.

remote collaboration

GitLab recognized early that when implemented effectively, remote collaboration is the key to innovation in the competitive software development landscape. Increased productivity is one of the main benefits reported by teams who have switched to remote collocation. Remote employees ditch their commute, saving an average of 54 minutes per day while benefiting from fewer interruptions, noise, and more efficient asynchronous communication.

Access options

Towards that end, it offers a software suite including email, spreadsheets, calendars, word processing, and many more. The tool is straightforward, stable, and secure – features users need to collaborate with their remote staff successfully. Before you begin a remote performance review, you must adequately prepare ー, just like you’d expect from your employees. Adding Zoom meetings to the diary may tick the boxes on the surface, but are they an effective way to support team collaboration? Keeping meetings laser focussed, with action focussed agendas and strong chairing can help meetings and, by extension, projects and teamwork to stay on track.

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